ECMP 355, Learning project

My knitting project: a hitch in the (knit) stitch (Part 4)

I am actually beginning to see the accomplishments I’ve been working towards and it’s really inspiring me to continue. This week I learnt the knit stitch and actually began knitting my scarf! For this step I’ve been following along with this video.

I liked this video because it was very simple and showed the actions up close with a lot of detail, as one of the problems I’m finding with the other video’s I’ve been using is that they are not detailed enough for a beginner to use.


This stitch went pretty smoothly until the end where I realized that mine did not look like the one in the video.

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See how in this picture she has yarn on either side of the needle.


Whereas mine is all on one side.

After realizing this I went to Twitter and tweeted this to see if I could get any help.  I also found this knitting forum where I thought might find some help.

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I added some photo’s and quickly got repliesScreen Shot 2015-11-09 at 9.21.36 PMScreen Shot 2015-11-09 at 9.23.07 PM

It turns out that my problem was not actually a problem after all, and I can just continue knitting.  At least this gave me the opportunity to find a community for any future problems with my knitting, and they do have a forum to post updates on projects you’re working on, so maybe I’ll try that.

4 thoughts on “My knitting project: a hitch in the (knit) stitch (Part 4)”

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